
Coral LLC 珊瑚钙3900mg +维生素D3 1200 IU 180粒素食胶囊

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英文名称:Coral Calcium - Coral Complex 3 900 milligrams of Bio-Available Coral Calcium With 1200 IU's Of Vitamin D3 - 180 Vegetarian Capsules



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【产品名称】Coral LLC 珊瑚钙3900mg +维生素D3 1200 IU  180粒素食胶囊


【 产     地】美国



Coral LLC是一家位于内华达州Carson City的家族企业。我们为您提供一系列具有健康益处的产品,这些产品对消费者而言是安全的,并且保持世界上美丽的海底珊瑚礁原始状态不变。







Coral LLC is a family-owned company based in Carson City, NV. We offer you an array of products with healthful benefits, that are safe for consumers, and leave the world’s beautiful under­sea coral reefs pristinely untouched. 

The use of coral as a mineral supplement source has expanded and grown throughout history. You can now find it on the shelves of health food stores and in doctor’s offices throughout the world.

What is coral calcium?

Coral contains a more broken down form of calcium. This makes it easier to absorb than other supplements. This is important for those over 50 who are less able to absorb nutrients. Coral Calcium is the product of coral polyps, a tiny sea anemone that takes in minerals from the ocean and deposits coral on the ocean floors.

Where does coral calcium come from?

The first use of coral in medicine is impossible to document, but it can be traced back thousands of years. The use of nutriceuticals (medicine from marine organisms) is well-documented in ancient Arabic and Chinese literature. However, the first specific mention of coral is found in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, which dates back some 5,000 years. Coral was first introduced as medicine to the western world in the 9th century, during the Arab expansion of Europe.


Coral Complex 3

The formula has become one of the most popular and successful coral capsule formula in the world.


Coral Complex 3 Health Benefits

Coral minerals are known to enhance wellbeing in the following ways:

  • Promote bone health
  • Provide essential nutrients for optimal brain function
  • Support a healthy immune response 
  • Assist in changing the body’s pH level



All Natural - GMO Free - ECO SAFE - Above Sea Coral


Undersea coral minerals may be tainted with pollutants. In fact, most coral minerals today come from environmentally hazardous areas found “under the sea,” which are often contaminated from years of pollution. For Coral Complex, Coral LLC only harvests pollution free above sea coral. 

Coral Complex 3 is Certified ECO SAFE.

We never touch the ocean or harm the environment. Various coral supplement suppliers harvest below sea coral and upset the ecological balance of living coral reefs. We harvest all of our coral calcium from ancient above sea fossilized coral beds. This sustainable harvesting practice is part of our commitment to the environment and coral reefs around the world.

Coral LLC is currently certified by Friend of the Sea, a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) and international certifying program whose mission is to conserve the marine habitat. The company also recently joined forces with Ocean Conservancy, a non-profit organization that working for over four decades to protect the health of the world’s oceans.

SKU T5784



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